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Blockchain Data Retrieval Using the eth_call RPC Method

In the rapidly evolving realm of Web3, blockchain data retrieval is the lifeblood of security, transparency, and control. Traditional approaches like Ethereum's eth_call are giving way to innovative solutions like Moralis.

Decentralized applications (dapps) span a wide spectrum of use cases, from decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to DeFi platforms, gaming, NFT marketplaces, and beyond. Regardless of the specific application, efficient data retrieval is a common requirement for tasks like querying on-chain information, checking token balances, and interacting with smart contracts. Not only will this article demonstrate how blockchain data retrieval works using eth_call, but also how Moralis revolutionizes Ethereum data retrieval and why it's a compelling choice for developers working on a diverse range of dapp-related projects.

In addition, this article showcases how Moralis simplifies and streamlines ETH data retrieval and blockchain interactions, making it a valuable tool for developers across the Ethereum ecosystem.


You can learn how to get a block by number using the Moralis Events API by following the Get logs for contract article.

Understanding eth_call and eth_getBalance​

Exploring eth_call​

While exploring contract interactions and blockchain data retrieval, it is important for dapp developers to use the eth_call method to simulate and execute message calls directly in the node’s virtual machine (VM), without making any modifications and without creating a transaction to the blockchain. This read-only interaction capability is quintessential for querying smart contract functions, such as retrieving ERC-20 token balances with the balanceOf function.

Moralis offers a groundbreaking equivalent for eth_call with the getBlock RPC method, showcasing its innovative approach to data retrieval and blockchain interactions. This endpoint serves as a modern alternative, allowing developers to access extensive information about transactions, contract interactions, and more, all in a user-friendly manner.

Exploring eth_getBalance​

Developers use eth_getBalance to get the ETH (ether) balance of a given address or in other words to return an account's balance of a given address. This method is a fundamental aspect for managing transactions and displaying real-time user balance information.

Moralis presents the getNativeBalance RPC method as the nearest equivalent to eth_getBalance. You can use it to obtain the native balance of an address which can be an important part in transaction management.

Traditional vs. Modern: eth_call RPC Method Review and Comparison​

Historically, developers have used Ethereum's eth_call method to interact with contracts without modifying the blockchain state. Here's an example:

const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('YOUR_INFURA_ENDPOINT');

const contractAddress = 'YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS';
const data = 'YOUR_DATA';{
to: contractAddress,
data: data

In comparison, Moralis introduces a revolutionary approach that streamlines data retrieval and blockchain interactions using the getBlock endpoint. In the following example, you can see how Moralis' getBlock endpoint compares to eth_call:

const Moralis = require("moralis").default;
const { EvmChain } = require("@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils");

async function runApp() {
await Moralis.start({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY" });

const blockNumberOrHash = "15863321";
const chain = EvmChain.ETHEREUM;

const response = await Moralis.EvmApi.block.getBlock({


Why Developers Should Choose Moralis​

Seamless user experiences are the essence of decentralized applications (dapps), and the 'eth_call' function has been instrumental in laying the foundation. However, the current landscape demands tools that combine speed with efficiency. Moralis stands as a pioneer in this regard, ushering in the next era of Ethereum development with advanced features using single lines of code, faster data retrieval, and enhanced security protocols.

Key Use Cases:

  • Retrieve Token Balance: Obtain token balances at specific points in the past or present.
  • Query Contract State: Access internal contract state data without altering it.
  • Validate Inputs: Execute validations embedded within smart contracts.
  • Price Oracles: Fetch real-world asset prices for use in decentralized applications.
  • Gas Estimation: Estimate the gas cost of transactions before execution.

ETH Blockchain Data Retrieval Using the eth_call RPC Method: Conclusion​

The world of decentralized applications is rapidly evolving, and so is blockchain development. While the eth_call RPC method is quite powerful, new solutions that streamline Web3 development and outperform legacy methods like eth_call are emerging. One of these solutions is Moralis' getBlock endpoint, making ETH blockchain data retrieval a breeze!

In sum, this article compares Moralis to a more traditional solution and invites you to explore the world of Moralis and become a leader in the unfolding decentralized future. Armed with knowledge and supported by a community of like-minded developers, you can shape the future of the decentralized ecosystem with Moralis.